Friday, June 13, 2014

LIP - LIVE In Peace

One quick question:

How many Likes did you post in FB, last week?
How many birthdays did you wish in Facebook?
Can you remember the date of few of the friends who celebrated last week?
Did you put in all the care and attention while liking or wishing? If so, for how many people and how many times?

Hypothesis 1: 

Social interactions have become superficial engagement using the brain's short term memory store ONLY. Every day, the memory is flushed clean.

None of the engagement goes in for long term storage. The percolation from short term to long term memory just does not happen! 

No one will know how time passed and what was really accomplished in the interaction.

It is akin to watching a comedy crapper movie, laughing the a*s off and just forgetting the movie even before one leaves the hall.

Hypothesis 2:

More one interacts on social media, hollower the relationships become.

Superficial dialogue, superficial interaction, superficial lifestyle and a superficial personality with behaviors that change with season, time and fashion - hollow and empty.

As long as one has quantity over quality, the loss of real relationships will not be realized at all.

Hypothesis 3:

Relationships need to be nurtured much like Agriculture. ("what/where you sow is what/where you reap"). Long term relationships take time to nurture, take time to build.

Real, physical world relationships compete with social media for the same time and attention.

Hypothesis 4:

Sadly, social media won over real relationships, among most of the time. My 9 year old son mimicking his dad, is the double whammy. 

An undesirable inheritance from me to him - letting him Absorb 'bad behaviors' unmindful of him!

LIVE IN PEACE - LIP :: What am i going to do?

  1. Seek, scan and identify patterns of behavior that are not in sync with my personality. (I will get to the how part later).
  2. Destroy the rail roads that feed the habits/behaviors.
  3. Watch for the de-addiction pangs and withdrawal effects.
  4. Unwind the bad habits that have got into my behavioral system
  5. Release 'habits/behavioral patterns' that are present in my system, which are not in sync with my personality
  6. Strengthen and fortify the mind, to not let in the same behaviors again.
  7. Use the spare time, released from the behaviors with career focussing activities.

  • Seek, scan and identify patterns of behavior that are not in sync with my personality.
Head bent, scanning the emails/messages every day - first thing in the morning and last thing in the night.

Not able to focus on a conversation, for more than 10 minutes, without getting the pang to check the phone. Big conversation and eye-contact breaker.

This i have never done, ten years back. 
  • Destroy the rail roads that feed the habits/behaviors.
Stay away from mobile phone, until i get to work.
Stay away from mobile phone, as soon as i get back home.
Stop checking mails every once in a while, (SMS is an exception).
Social media probably once in a week for 30 minutes. 

Remember the days of Internet access through dial up phones?
  • Watch for the de-addiction pangs and withdrawal effects.
Already, i have been hearing phantom rings, and beeps few times during the day.
Urge to react and respond to messages
Mind asking the curious question "how many people have responded to LIP post in Internet?" (To be honest , I did check once after 12 hours)
  • Unwind the bad habits that have got into my behavioral system
Will update when i get over - say 90 days. too long. I know it takes that long to do.
  • Release 'habits/behavioral patterns' that are present in my system, which are not in sync with my personality
I am yet to the see the "bad boys" pop out. Anyway, it is MY personal battle. May or may not share. :D
  • Strengthen and fortify the mind, to not let in the same behaviors again.
how ? how? how? NLP? EFT? Silva method? what mantra? which astra?
  • Use the spare time, released from the behaviors with enriching activities - (hobbies, learning, arts & craft, fitness ...)
I will diarize what all I did and will share.

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