Thursday, December 11, 2003

TRex in a hen coop

what is your most unforgettable moment in life? - Question to a celebrity.

*FLASH*.. Mind went into over drive.

unforgettable moments???-- it is our memory that gives our identity.. doubting this? Ask anyone in coma or suffering with Alzheimer's..

Just imagine -- if you forget your name, who you are and your home address, what will be our identity? How long will you survive? Till the time money runs out of our pocket right??

As long as we remember more and more, we have a clear identity of whatever we think of ourselves, to be.

That is Our label. The ultimate hen coop.

The hen coop where a T Rex is lying hidden. (TRex thinks itself to be a hen, so it will somehow fit itself into the coop) :)

Our label puts an end to our opportunities of freedom, innovation, creativity and expression.

The label is an illusion.

It is like a shifting sand -- Today here, tomorrow somewhere else. Today present. Tomorrow gone.

Why are we dying for an identity,a label? That is the biggest paradox in our lives.

Where is the dividing line? How much of identity is really needed?

More questions coming into my head. Or going out of my head???


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